Once again I've had a great week in New York that absolutely flew by. Time here moves so fast and the weeks and especially weekends are over before I know it! Every day after work this week I had plans so the week was tiring, but incredibly fun. We can start with Monday. At work on Monday we were preparing for our sample sale that was held on Tuesday. Between press pulls and running a few errands & helping prep for the sample sale, the day was over quickly. That night for dinner, Jamie's parents were in town, so we met them at Almond by the Flatiron. I got the best mac-n-cheese ever, because I'm 5 years old apparently.
Tuesday was sample sale day. I know I've said it 100x and well, I'll just say it again. I absolutely love work and the people I work with. Everyone is so sweet and fun to be around. The sample sale began at 3 pm, open to VIP, then all doors officially opened at 5 pm until 8 pm. Many people came and went, including all three roomies who snagged some fab Dannijo jewels. It was fun seeing people with the jewelry and watching them chose their pieces, sometimes asking for my own opinion.
At the end of the day we packed up and I have never fallen asleep so fast. Standing on my feet from 3 - 8 pm was tiring, but thankfully being around so many people at the sample sale kept me alive and alert. Wednesday was a day I had been looking forward to for a long time -- it was Dannijo team bonding day at the bowling alley on Union Square. At 4:30 pm we all walked from the office to Bowlmor Lanes.
Some of #TeamDannijo + the interns
We had drinks, bowled and competed to win Pinkberry or Starbucks the next day at work. Sadly, both games my team didn't win. It was funny to see everyone outside of an office setting, but we really did get to "bond" and learn more about each other. If you know me you know I love to know people more, so this day was right up my alley (my bowling alley, to be specific). Also, PS I am not too shabby at bowling. After team bowling a few of the interns went to get drinks and dinner in the Lower East Side. This is definitely one of my new favorite places to explore! I love meeting new people here in the city and everyone is fascinated by my southern life.. Hilarious, right? It's like a whole new world to the northerners and especially the international interns. Never did I think a sorority house was that strange or that I actually had an accent.

Thursday at work was great too! Getting to know the people I work with more plus learning the ropes of the internship make for happier and less stressful days, even though it still is non-stop work. I really do love sending jewelry to magazines and photo shoots and being in contact with the PR company. Hopefully in the fall in the magazines I will see jewelry used from Dannijo that I pulled and sent to them for the spreads. Thursday night our friend Madison from school was in town for less than 24 hours and we all went to the LES to go eat and watch the Rebs play baseball. I got the best grilled cheese (still eating like a 5 year old).

Friday is a great day in the office always. We play the 90's pop Pandora station and get off at 3 pm for summer Fridays. So many times I am reassured that things don't happen randomly and I am so thankful that I have this opportunity. From Spice Girls to N*SYNC the office is fun and sometimes, if the song is right, there is a small sing-a-long of the most known lyrics. After work I had lunch at Serafina's in meatpacking and it was delicious. Eating my way through the day, as usual. Then some of us headed to Sugar Factory where we had a drink that had two suckers and a candy bracelet in it. Candy is my weakness, so I was in heaven. If only somehow you could put a macaron in there...

After lunch some of the interns headed to the Swedish Midsummer Festival in Battery Park at the end of the island -- can I call Manhattan an island? I love being by the water and watching the sunset was beautiful. I had never been to the end before and I was also able to see our main girl, The Statue of Liberty. We made flower crowns, had Brooklyn Brewery beer and watched people dance to Swedish music. The weather was perfect!

Saturday rolled around and I always love Saturdays in the city. It's a day full of exploring. Frances, Jamie, Susanna and I ate brunch at The Smile, I love that place, then walked around Bowery (finally saw the mural) and SoHo. I had the chocolate scone at The Smile which is my favorite and you know I am always searching for famous bloggers there. I've yet to find one, of course. After brunch we walked around Elizabeth Street and the unknown streets of SoHo that we never been on before. We found so many unique shops and new places to eat; like the Mexican place we had our afternoon snack at. Fran found an alpaca that she wants for her birthday and she made it ride a toy double decker NYC tour bus. Is anyone surprised?

In the late afternoon after wandering around SoHo we found a lady who was making candy with her hands.. It was a strange experience but I got a candy seahorse for free so of course I was a happy camper. After our candy and a few more stores we headed to TriBeCa, which I had never been to before. The streets were kind of dead because it was the weekend, but the area was nice and I loved every building we passed.

That night we ate at Mira sushi and it was perfect since I eat like a mermaid, or as some say, a squirrel. I had the crunchy shrimp roll and the spicy California roll. I would almost venture to say that it was better than Jinsei. I'll keep that on the down-low though. Once we finished dinner we headed to Ph-D at The Dream Hotel. I'm not much for clubs instead of bars, but I do love the rooftop bars here because how could you not want to see New York from above?! The view was unreal. Thankfully some young 18 year old who snuck into the club threw up and got kicked out, so we took their reserved table and acted like we owned it. Classic.

Today Jamie and I took the city. Frances' parents are in town and Susanna had to make a quick trip home to go to the doctor. Somehow I think Jamie and I walked about 9 miles. We walked from one side of the city to the other, up, and down. PTL for tennis shoes even though we probably looked like legit tourists. We got coffee from The Bean, walked down E Houston, ventured into SoHo, walked by the Hudson River and Pier 44, walked up the High Line to FIT, walked by the Flatiron and into Eataly, then ended up back at good ole Union Square. As for tonight, we are just hanging out and getting ready for this upcoming week.
New York, you're too good to me. July is bringing lots of visitors and friends & I cannot wait to share my little spots with my people.