(The birthday blog posts are back, and who better to bring them back for than Liz!!)
Ten reasons why Lizard deserves a great 20th birthday:
1. Well, she has so many nicknames. Liz, Lizzie, Lizard, Lizabeth, Liza, Elizabethian, The Dandy Nanny, Deltalizcious, etc.
2. She has a Coke obsession..... but really.
3. Liz is already a better mom than any of us will ever be.. She might as well go ahead and write a parenting "How to" book.
Sorry I stole your boyfriend for a few minutes. He only loved me because I had candy, it's okay, I know.
4. Liz can look like Cat in the Hat, imitate anyone's voices
& is a skilled SnapChat selfie taker
5. She is a dazzling dolphin AND won model pledge!!
(good job!!! love, your pledge trainer for life)
I'm glad one day you, Char & Kitty walked into Room 9 and we all became real friends.
6. Liz and I awkwardly met the first week at Cru when everyone was bombarding her because obviously we wanted her to be a Delta. I waved from a far so awkwardly and probably just mouthed "hi." Little did we know, soon we would be friends.
7. Our bonding really began in the spring semester with events such as: #GetChanToCorinth, #JDA, #WhatAreFinals, #BN
8. Real talk though, Lizabeth is a great friend. Even though she is s'giggly & laughs at us most of the time, we all laugh at her because she's hilarious, especially when she imitates the chosen ones which has us rolling on the DDD kitchen floor.
9. Separation anxiety from Liz is real. The summer was too much & she's a great pen pal!! Maybe I will never graduate and just move in with y'all for your junior year? Okay.
10. Lizard, Lizabeth, Elizabethian, you're the best!! You are so loved by everyone and we all love spending time with you. I truly am #blessed to call you a friend. Thank you for loving me & making me laugh! You're a sweet friend, squirrel girl, sister, and #BN & you shine for Jesus in everything you do. Now, let's celebrate!!