Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Dear Delta Delta Delta,

Dear Delta Delta Delta Chi chapter,

Hooray! I'm officially an alumni member! I wanted to thank you for this status, although I'm not quite ready to let you go as an active member. You, Chi chapter, were so very crucial to my four years here at Ole Miss and I don't know how to express my feelings and love for you in a letter, but, here's my best shot.

You brought me to my best friends and for that I will never be able to thank you enough. This bond is something that unless you're on the inside, I'm not sure you know the warmth and happy heart it brings you.

You see, my mom wasn't in a sorority, neither was my grandmother. I came into this whole sorority lifestyle a little confused and honestly, I had a different view on what my life with you would be like. I knew I would make friends, enjoy college, attend parties and more. I knew I'd test out drinking, stay out late on weekends, eat late night food, you know, livin' the college life.

It's what I didn't know that was the best part. Chi chapter, you brought me to the people I needed. Each one of these incredible friends was put in my life for a reason. They've taught me things I didn't know I needed to be taught.

You brought me a roommate who brings me my coffee in my bed just like I like it, while we talk about what's been bothering us lately, what we are learning with Jesus, which boys we want to take to date party, the latest Kardashian gossip. The two of us could win roommate trivia in a heartbeat, knowing anything & everything about the other. I couldn't have done college without her. We talk about what our schedules are for the day so we can make sure we eat meals together and we know we will never find another roommate like this again. It'll be strange not sharing a box with my best friend.

Without her, my college life wouldn't have been the same and because I know her, I know I've been changed for good. From random online roommates to partners in crime and each others #1, there would be no Chan without the other counterpart, right?

You brought me a nook full of neighbors who I've lived by for three years. Included with this special friendship is the "Nook Hall of Fame," inspirational white boards and chalk boards, Christmas trivia, intense games of Catch Phrase, sing-alongs to "Wake Me Up When September Ends," and midnight birthday celebrations.

You brought me a brunette with whom I've had quite the three years with, but at the end of the day we'll always be friends and love each other. You won't ever find us sharing clothes though, can't say Lilly goes with leather. You brought me an intelligent and calm friend from Nashville who always is level headed and sweet. You brought me to a sassy blonde who didn't know who I was for almost two years and then later we tackled New York together, side by side. I'm glad she finally learned my name when we became neighbors in Crosby. Maybe one day our roomie paths will cross again.

Specifically from this nook, you brought me a bold, wise girl from Jackson, MS who I would work by for two years. You, Chi chapter, held our sister president up and let her shine just how she was meant to, while leading us all in greatness. The two of us didn't know what would happen that day sophomore year when we got the email about us being new member educators together. I don't think we could've foreseen any of this. A reign ended, yet a strong friendship just begun.

You brought room 16 which holds two blondes with a truly inseparable bond, one who I even got to share a room with for a year. Thanks for the heater, the infinite stacks of Vogue, the movie snuggles and the 8 am class wake-up calls that work both ways. You two don't know how much I will miss you.

You brought me room 6 with two brunettes. One hilarious big city girl who was a roommate in a foreign city (@NewYork) and one whom our Nashville paths crossed in Oxford, Mississippi. You two squirrels brought me infinite laughs, multiple three-hour long Duggar weddings, many road trips and flights and fun Friday nights. I'm thankful one will be a few steps from me and the other will be a quick drive away.

Chi chapter, do you see how great you were to me? Just a few special faces I've mentioned to you, but I know you know how important the people are within your walls. I've never known greater people and friends. All lifting each other up to be better, to be encouraged and to be brave.

No matter the age, no matter the background, Delta Delta Delta knows no stereotype or limit. You encouraged relationships, (hi, two year gap friends!). Like breakfast dates, real talks at Lamar Park, Taylor Swift jam sessions to Sardis and back, late night trips to a secret Baskin Robbins and 2 AM "Come over!" text messages from my "kids."

The two year gap brought me the little college sister I always wanted. Chi chapter, that's because of you. Friendship has a funny way of working, one day you just look up and decide to become best friends. Inseparable during the day, sleepovers and pillow talk at night, I never knew that one of my best friends could be a different age than me. I'm thankful for uncountable amounts of QT, Harry Potter movies, breakfast dates and the endless amount of times people called us when needing to get in contact with the other. You, lil girl, will be one of the people I miss the most.

Chi chapter, the younger girls have no idea the impact they've had on my life. This all began with you my junior year. They thank me, but in return for each "thank you" I've heard, I'd like to say it back to them 10 times. Being friends with them taught me more and more about myself every day. I hope the moments we spent together they'll always remember. That two year gap is so important, if I do say so myself.

With my time here done, I hope you continue to be you, Chi chapter. I want everyone to experience what I had. Open your doors during recruitment week and let every member shine. I hope that you'll continue to make strangers into best friends. Fill everyone's hearts to the brim where you think you can't love people any more and then it overflows with love and encouragement. I hope that as every senior shuts those big wooden doors for their last time in two weeks, you'll give them the strength they need to go conquer the world.

As they say, Delta Delta Delta, we stand for self-sacrifice, truth and friendship, and that's what you've taught me. Exactly that. Self-sacrifice: late night heart-to-hearts will always be better than sleep. Truth: telling your friend the honest truth and holding them accountable is always better than lying. Friendship: it's the most gratifying, important and vital aspect to college, and life.

To you, Chi chapter - my twinkie, my best friends, the nook, my kids, and, in my opinion, the greatest university -- we are about to embark on our parting moment, our little "see you later." You've built me into who I am today. A 21-year-old girl who I am proud to be.

Who knew a little organization I wrote at the top of my bid card in 2011 would bring me this? Well, I know who knew. He sure knew what He was doing. I hope my time in Oxford brought a smile to His face, as I found Him and the people who were placed in my life specifically for these moments.

For that, I am forever thankful.

Sincerely and with all of my delta love,
