Lollapalooza, noun. A person or thing that is particularly impressive or attractive.
I think it is safe to say that I just experienced something I might not ever experience again, and that those were three of the most fun days, ever. Going into Lollapalooza I did not really know what to expect. I knew I was very excited, but I was also very anxious. I have friends who have gone to Bonnaroo and Hangout, but no one I knew had ventured to the middle of Chicago for a music festival.
These three days were full of incredible music, the skyline of Chicago, some great friends and pure happiness.
Loved this view of Chicago
The greatest Lollapalooza group I could ask for
Luke, Kendall, me, Margaret, Ryan and Scott
The greatest Lollapalooza group I could ask for
Luke, Kendall, me, Margaret, Ryan and Scott
Early Thursday morning my dad and I headed to Chicago. My other friends had taken the train from Memphis overnight and they were already in Chicago. If you're wondering why my dad flew up with me and flew back the same day, we had to have a 21-year-old check us into the hotel. Huge high five, endless hugs and multiple thank you's later, my dad flew with me for the day. He's pretty cool you could say. We met up with my friends, all from Ole Miss, at the hotel and went to find some deep dish Chicago pizza. We walked along Michigan Avenue and the Chicago River until we found the pizza place we wanted.
Deep dish cheese pizza
Big thank you to my dad!
After we said goodbye to my dad and he hoped back on the plane to go to Nashville, the six of us went back to our hotel and crashed. Five of the six didn't sleep well the night before because of the train. Once we took a two hour nap, to the subway we went and we headed to Wrigley Field to see a Cubs game. We bought the cheapest seats we could and wouldn't have had it any other way. You could the the Chicago skyline in the background and we got to watch the sunset. The only thing I would have done differently is not passed up the chance to get icecream in a little Cubs plastic helmet. When I would go to the Sounds games with my grandfather when I was younger, I would always get the icecream and it was so good. I know he would have loved that I went to a Cubs game.
Deep dish cheese pizza
Big thank you to my dad!
After we said goodbye to my dad and he hoped back on the plane to go to Nashville, the six of us went back to our hotel and crashed. Five of the six didn't sleep well the night before because of the train. Once we took a two hour nap, to the subway we went and we headed to Wrigley Field to see a Cubs game. We bought the cheapest seats we could and wouldn't have had it any other way. You could the the Chicago skyline in the background and we got to watch the sunset. The only thing I would have done differently is not passed up the chance to get icecream in a little Cubs plastic helmet. When I would go to the Sounds games with my grandfather when I was younger, I would always get the icecream and it was so good. I know he would have loved that I went to a Cubs game.
Wrigley Field
Kendall, Margaret and I
Friday morning we were all up pretty early because we didn't know what to expect. We all got dressed, three of us representing America and wearing an American flag somehow, and headed to Grant Park. Our hotel, The Palmer Hilton, was just a few blocks away. While walking around we saw some crazy outfits and some crazy people, but I loved taking it all in. When we entered the park, we headed to the BMI stage to watch American Authors. I had never listened to their music before but loved it! My two favorite songs were Believer and Best Day Of My Life.
First on the list of who I wanted to see was Emeli Sande. Her most popular song is "Next to Me" and I'm sure you would recognize it from the radio. She was incredibly good and it was so fun to watch her perform on stage. I love her accent and the way she dresses. Basically, she's awesome.
After Emeli Sande we were all waiting for The Killers, but they didn't perform until 8 pm and Emeli Sande was done at 1 pm. My other friends are huge Killers fans, so they wanted to be front row. We didn't leave the Red Bull Sound Select stage all day. The Lake Shore stage was right beside Red Bull, both stages alternating all day, so we got to hear and see some of their artists, too. From Red Bull we heard Icona Pop and Imagine Dragons.
Some bands we got to see on the Red Bull stage that we didn't know about were the Smith Westerns, who I didn't like very much, and Crystal Castles, who is probably the scariest person I've ever seen. The Smith Westerns did not have bad music, but they were a little boring to watch and they didn't utilize the stage. Crystal Castles on the other hand, was just plain crazy. She would pretend hang herself with the microphone cord, went crowd surfing in a skirt, and had glazed eyes.

The last two of the day were New Order and finally, The Killers. We had all made our way up to the front row with only a small VIP section between us and the stage. SO many people were piled in for New Order and I think it was mainly to get a good view for The Killers. New Order was pretty cool, but then at the end of their show they were showing pictures of the KKK and we all got pretty confused. Not really sure why they did that or what that was all about.
Front row
When The Killers came out and opened up their show with Mr. Brightside the whole park went crazy. Everyone was piled in like sardines. I only stayed at The Killers for about four songs because a few of us also wanted to see Lana del Ray, so getting out what quite the issue. About half-way through the crowds, a few pushes and a few middle fingers later, we were free. Walking to Lana del Ray we could still hear The Killers which was fun. I was actually disappointed with Lana's stage when we got there after pushing through thousands of people to get there. There were no screens to see her up closer and she was so soft spoken, even when singing. I did make it in time to hear her sing "Born to Die" and "Young and Beautiful" which are two of my favorites.
The Killers
Saturday was my favorite line up. We were going to see Ben Howard, Matt & Kim, Ellie Goulding, HAIM, Mumford and Sons and Postal Service. Sadly, I didn't get to see Eric Church or The Lumineers, but got to hear the last two songs of The Lumineers. All my favorites were performing but HAIM and Lumineers overlapped. I figured the chance to see The Lumineers would appear more than HAIM, so I saw them in that time slot instead. For the Ben Howard performance, we laid on our sheet and ate lunch. It was nice not standing for ten hours in the same location like we had the day before. Ben Howard had a really good performance and it was really nice to hang back and relax.
So excited for Lolla day two, we were lovin' life and lovin' blue hair even more
Tri Delt's love Lollapalooza
Check that skyline in the back. We were right in the middle of the city
Ben Howard
Ole Miss takes the Windy City
Kendall, Margaret and I
Friday morning we were all up pretty early because we didn't know what to expect. We all got dressed, three of us representing America and wearing an American flag somehow, and headed to Grant Park. Our hotel, The Palmer Hilton, was just a few blocks away. While walking around we saw some crazy outfits and some crazy people, but I loved taking it all in. When we entered the park, we headed to the BMI stage to watch American Authors. I had never listened to their music before but loved it! My two favorite songs were Believer and Best Day Of My Life.
First on the list of who I wanted to see was Emeli Sande. Her most popular song is "Next to Me" and I'm sure you would recognize it from the radio. She was incredibly good and it was so fun to watch her perform on stage. I love her accent and the way she dresses. Basically, she's awesome.
After Emeli Sande we were all waiting for The Killers, but they didn't perform until 8 pm and Emeli Sande was done at 1 pm. My other friends are huge Killers fans, so they wanted to be front row. We didn't leave the Red Bull Sound Select stage all day. The Lake Shore stage was right beside Red Bull, both stages alternating all day, so we got to hear and see some of their artists, too. From Red Bull we heard Icona Pop and Imagine Dragons.
Some bands we got to see on the Red Bull stage that we didn't know about were the Smith Westerns, who I didn't like very much, and Crystal Castles, who is probably the scariest person I've ever seen. The Smith Westerns did not have bad music, but they were a little boring to watch and they didn't utilize the stage. Crystal Castles on the other hand, was just plain crazy. She would pretend hang herself with the microphone cord, went crowd surfing in a skirt, and had glazed eyes.

The last two of the day were New Order and finally, The Killers. We had all made our way up to the front row with only a small VIP section between us and the stage. SO many people were piled in for New Order and I think it was mainly to get a good view for The Killers. New Order was pretty cool, but then at the end of their show they were showing pictures of the KKK and we all got pretty confused. Not really sure why they did that or what that was all about.
Front row
When The Killers came out and opened up their show with Mr. Brightside the whole park went crazy. Everyone was piled in like sardines. I only stayed at The Killers for about four songs because a few of us also wanted to see Lana del Ray, so getting out what quite the issue. About half-way through the crowds, a few pushes and a few middle fingers later, we were free. Walking to Lana del Ray we could still hear The Killers which was fun. I was actually disappointed with Lana's stage when we got there after pushing through thousands of people to get there. There were no screens to see her up closer and she was so soft spoken, even when singing. I did make it in time to hear her sing "Born to Die" and "Young and Beautiful" which are two of my favorites.
The Killers
That little person in the red dress is Lana del Ray
Saturday was my favorite line up. We were going to see Ben Howard, Matt & Kim, Ellie Goulding, HAIM, Mumford and Sons and Postal Service. Sadly, I didn't get to see Eric Church or The Lumineers, but got to hear the last two songs of The Lumineers. All my favorites were performing but HAIM and Lumineers overlapped. I figured the chance to see The Lumineers would appear more than HAIM, so I saw them in that time slot instead. For the Ben Howard performance, we laid on our sheet and ate lunch. It was nice not standing for ten hours in the same location like we had the day before. Ben Howard had a really good performance and it was really nice to hang back and relax.
So excited for Lolla day two, we were lovin' life and lovin' blue hair even more
Tri Delt's love Lollapalooza
Check that skyline in the back. We were right in the middle of the city
Ben Howard
Ole Miss takes the Windy City
The crowd for Matt & Kim was insane. Margaret, Luke, Scott and I headed over though and snuck up to the side of the stage. We thought we had beaten the crowds by going up the side, but it turns out we couldn't hear a thing. I only know a few Matt & Kim songs, so we decided to go ahead and head to Ellie Goulding and get good spots for her instead. Scott and I walked to her stage & Luke and Margaret went to see Eric Church.
The crowd for Matt & Kim
Ellie Goulding is incredible. I went to her concert earlier this summer in May at the Ryman which made me even more excited to see her at Lollapalooza. You know how girls joke about having girl crushes? She is definitely mine. I think she is extremely talented, especially when she plays the drums, and her voice is so unique. I was on cloud nine at her concert. I even asked this guy beside me to let me get on his shoulders, which is so not my personality. If that doesn't tell you how badly I wanted to see her, then I don't know what would. We were really close to her and the energy she gives off, you feel it too. (Did I really just type that...) This was not our final meeting though, Ellie Goulding. I will be seeing you again, you can count on it.
Killing it
So this happened..
After Ellie Goulding I went to see HAIM, a band of three sisters from Los Angeles. Their sound is so confusing to describe, it's like rock meets indie pop meets r&b. Once you listen to them, you can't stop. Their first CD comes out in September and you can pre-order it right now. Even though they only have about five songs, I know they're going to make it big. During their set they cussed like sailors, Este cried when telling us how just a few years ago she & Danielle were in the audience of Lollpalooza, they talked to a man who climbed a tree to get a better look at them, and they were overall so appreciative of the crowd; they were competing with The Lumineers and Kendrick Lamar.
Once HAIM was over, a few lost friends and finally found friends later, I made it to Mumford & Sons to watch a few songs before then heading to Postal Service. I have never seen so many people at one stage as I did for Mumford. Their crowd took up two entire stage locations, the Red Bull stage which is the stage they were on, and the Lake Shore stage. It was like everyone who was at The Lumineers on Lake Shore just simply turned around to watch Mumford & Sons. I didn't have a good view of them since we were late getting there, but hearing them was still really cool. I had been wanting to see Mumford and although the experience wasn't like if I saw them at the Ryman in Nashville, it was great to see them live.
My side view of Mumford & Sons
I had never even heard of Postal Service but my friends were big fans. After hearing about five/six Mumford songs, we headed to the complete opposite side of the park to see Postal Service. I was told they only had one album and that the one of the singers is also the main singer in Death Cab for Cutie. I really enjoyed Postal Service and thought the girl resembled Florence Welch from far away, so obviously I was a fan.
The clouds were so weird that night, so with the stage and skyline of Chicago, as well at the clouds, the scenery was insane. I hope I can remember what everything looked like in that moment forever. I really liked Postal Service and it's pretty cool to say that I got to see their reunion concert and them taking their final bow.
Sunday we did not go to the park until later in the afternoon. We started at Alex Clare which you would recognize from this song, but one of my favorite songs of his is Hummingbird. It was really humbling to see how appreciative Alex Clare was for his crowd. He was a little awkward at first when taking the stage, but after everyone was singing along, he told us this was the largest crowd he had ever played for. As the show went on he loosened up, took his sunglasses off, and moved around more. At the end he thanked us, and you could tell he was completely sincere.
A few of us made a quick run to see MS MR while the rest held down the fort for Two Door Cinema Club, Vampire Weekend and Phoenix later in the day. I only knew one song by MS MR, Hurricane, and I didn't get to see them perform it because they saved it for last. I still enjoyed all the other songs I heard them sing and love their voices.
I can't name you one Two Door Cinema Club song, and I'm not sure if I will ever want to be able to. I enjoyed watching them perform, the main singer came out wearing a suit and drinking a glass of wine, but overall I've liked many more bands more than them. Looking back I wished I would have gone to see Tegan and Sara, but then I would not have been able to see Vampire Weekend up close with all my friends. Tegan and Sara were on the complete other side of the park. It's also ironic I wanted to see Tegan and Sara because I'm pretty sure I spent my high school years making fun of them, when I never even gave them a chance or listened to their music. Actually, in high school if you would have told me that I would be going to a music festival, and Lollapalooza at that, I would not have believed you. Life is funny like that.
The people in front of me were apparently huge fans
Sunday was a day of listening to bands I had heard of, but didn't know many of their songs. I was thankful I gave Vampire Weekend a chance because I had such a great time during their performance. My friends told me I would recognize some of their songs, and they were right. Everyone was jumping up and down & singing along. For not listening to them before the festival, Vampire Weekend turned out to be one of my favorite performances and I haven't stopped listening to them since I got home. Funny what happens when you give things a chance..
Vampire Weekend behind us
The last show we saw for the night was Phoenix. We moved to the back so we could all dance around and not be packed in like sardines. Their set was great and this was another band of the day I had never heard of. We met people from Baltimore who were great dancers and got swung around a little, watched the boys sing their hearts out and let the last few hours of Lolla sink in.
PhoenixEntirely too much fun this weekend
Overall, I could not have loved Lollapalooza any more. Every moment was filled with so much fun and happiness. I couldn't have asked for a better group of friends to go with, or more perfect weather. The line-up was great and we had a good view at every show we went too. We got to ride the subway around Chicago, go to a Cubs game, become familiar with Grant Park, and hang out with other Ole Miss people.
You were good to me Chicago & Lollapalooza.
This is not goodbye.
Our final selfies before leaving some of the greatest days we've all ever had.
To read my post on about Lollapalooza, here is the link:
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