Thursday, January 30, 2014

What do you want to leave behind?

This is the link to Hello Perfect with my latest blog post. I have been so busy during January, the month has flown by. January began by welcoming in the new year in Nashville and cheering on the Rebs with a win at the Music City Bowl. Then a few days later I packed up my things and headed back to Ole Miss to take wintersession. Basically I took a religion 101 course that is normally a full semester and we were taught everything and received a final grade during a two week period. It was stressful to say the least, but getting a course out of the way in just two weeks was such a relief.

Now I'm still here in Oxford and the spring semester has begun. I started classes last week and already have had a quiz and have two stories due next week. Nothing is stopping to skip a beat. My days are filled with a summer internship search, while my heart is set on a few specific ones, journalism stories, Tri Delt and friendships. I am so happy to be back in Oxford with everyone but there is not a moment of peace to be found anytime soon. The hallways of the Tri Delt house are full of laughter and love though and that is something I never want to leave. It's good to be back with everyone.

I have been trying to brainstorm new ideas for the blog, but with everything that is happening right now I haven't had any new ideas. This could be a cool thought. If you've ever wanted me to write on something, send it to me! It can be anonymously in the comments below. I don't know, just an idea and a challenge.

Hopefully I'll be writing more soon. Sharing stories about adventures and college life. Maybe one day soon I'll be writing about an internship acquired (everyone feel free to cross your fingers 24/7 until I hear good news).

Well, here we go again Oxford. Another semester is here! Spring semester is full of travel, sunshine, baseball games and white converse (duh). I'm ready for some warm weather, so come on!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What I Like Wednesday

 dark blue nail polish, tattoos on your fingers + rings

 how can you  not love Full House?
 New York City
Jersey dresses + those heels

white might be my few favorite color for the spring
(I'll never abandon you though, black)

Monday, January 13, 2014

Just Press Send

My post this week on Hello Perfect is about just pressing send. 

Click the link below to read it:


Monday, January 6, 2014

Why I Love New York

Before I visited New York I only knew what this city was like through the movies and television. I watched Carrie Bradshaw walk down Fifth Avenue in her Prada shoes with many shoppings bags. I watched Sally drop off Harry at Washington Square Park, then watched them kiss on New Year's Eve at a party. I watched Andy work for Miranda Priestley before realizing who it was depicting.

Most importantly, I watched Blair and Serena sit on the steps of the Met every morning before school.

New York is a fantasy world for me, yet I know it is not like these movies or television shows. I know I can't go everyday to Bergdorf's and blow a paycheck or eat macarons while drinking champagne every night.

"I bought Vogue instead of dinner. I felt it just fed me more," Carrie Bradshaw once said. If I end up in New York for the summer, I know this is the sort of life I would live. The average college kid budget, where sometimes it's $1 pizza so you can buy this month's issue of Vogue. Now, I would hope I would be better with money than that and get more bang for my buck, but what I know is that if this happened, I would be okay with it.

New York is glamorous but what I love is the people on the streets. The street style, the best $1 pizza on the corner and the best unknown coffee shop from the tourists, that is what I would like to find.

My dad said, "You won't be able to venture on top of the Empire State Building every night," and I know this. I want to work so hard. I want to run for the subway to show up for an incredible interning experience.

I love New York because of the fast paced environment. I love how you can wear what you want. I love the glow of the yellow taxis at night. And I love that if you close your eyes for too long or stare down at your phone while walking, you miss way too much. The best thing you can do in New York is keep your eyes open.

So, cheers to you New York City! You have won my heart and my daily rambles. I think of you so often.

Maybe one day soon our paths will cross again.. 

To all my friends and family reading this post,
You could help make my dreams come true! 
Word of mouth, your friends, networking.
Feel free to spread my love for this city near and far and maybe one day 
I'll end up in the Big Apple.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

May 2014 be filled with...

May 2014 be filled with:
adventures with friends
vacations with family
breakfast dates
lots of cups of coffee
many concerts
late night one direction dance parties
good grades 
reunions with old friends
new cities
reading good books
peaceful weeks & fun weekends
& most importantly love

I will not:
compare myself to strangers on the internet
stress about school
be afraid to be bold and take chances
eat meat
bring others down
rush things that aren't ready to happen / I will learn patience
complain (as much)

I will:
wake up each day with a smile on my face
be the best friend I possibly can be
encourage others
always listen & sometimes use less words
love my family and friends
be the best possible vice president to tri delt
make memories to last a lifetime
continue to create my own style
be thankful 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Year in Review

In 2013 I...
went to Passion in Atlanta
went to Las Vegas + saw Celine Dion
went to Spring Break on Ono Island
lost my grandfather Pop + spoke at his funeral
attended a wedding
turned 20
switched my major to journalism
got an internship with Hello Perfect
learned I liked to watercolor
saw Ellie Goulding at the Ryman
redid my room
nannied during the summer
went to Lollapalooza in Chicago
said goodbye to Jennifer for 18 months - now she's in Brazil
started my junior year of college
went to New Orleans for the first time
developed a love for macarons
fully began my job as pledge trainer
went to Teen Vogue Fashion University
traveled to New York for the first time with my best friends
made my first official resume
became vice president of tri delta
have reached the one year mark of being a vegetarian
watched the Rebs win the Music City Bowl
celebrated New Year's Eve in Nashville

2013, you were good to me!

2013 was full of a lot of new. New friendships, new cities, new jobs and new paths in life.
I was extremely blessed this year in being able to do all that I did and I can only look back at the year with happiness. Along the way there was some heartache and tears, but knowing that the Lord has a plan for us all keeps me going.
I wanted to thank all of you who read my blog, those I know about & those I don't. It really means a lot to me and every single one of y'all are so supportive.

Let's ring in the new year!

Happy 21st, Kendall!

9 reasons Kendall deserves a great 21st birthday:
1. We've ventured to Chicago for Lollapalooza and New Orleans for a weekend full of fun & food together
2. Kendall could easily be a Free People model
3. Fighting over Ali is completely normal -- new roomies vs. the old roomie
4. She's a sloth
5. Speaking of sloths, once Ali & I put her on Craigslist for needing a sloth babysitter and people blew up her phone
6. Kendall will live in New Orleans after we graduate and that's pretty cool itself
7.  We take on projects like painting new DDD bid day letters the night before we need them
8. She hates being cold and hates jeans. Seriously, she gets goosebumps which is why she lives by her heater
9. She LOVES hugs (and by love I mean you're lucky if she hugs you goodbye when we leave for long amounts of time)
Happy 21st Birthday Kendall!
I'm glad we were in Nashville to celebrate the Rebs win and the day of your birth.
You've made it 21 years, sloth, and I can't to celebrate more of your birthdays!!